Saturday, March 9, 2013

One week until we leave.

One week to go to the big day. We're loaded and ready to go.

It looks like the weather is going to play nice for the start of the trip at least. If there are any big storms we could find roads impassable, but it looks good so far.

The bike is handling the weight quite well, at least at speed it does. At less than about 20kmh it is a real struggle to manoeuvre, lucky for me I can reduce the weight by 50kg by asking Donna to get off when doing those slow awkward manoeuvres in the camp grounds etc.

So the plan is to leave early next Saturday morning and be in Birdsville by Monday. Donna will be flying home from Alice Springs and I will come home via Tennant Creek and Mt Isa over the following week. I will be seeing Winton and Longreach on the way home which I am very much looking forward to as there are some very interesting things to see in both towns.

The temperatures are looking like being nice and balmy at 22-37c being the current average over the last couple of weeks that I've been keeping an eye on them for central Australia.

We've loaded about two weeks worth of evening meals and enough muesli bars to last two months, I reckon, as snacks.