Monday, October 15, 2012

Bike Delivery

On Friday afternoon I flew from Brisbane to Sydney.  I flew to Sydney to take delivery of our new Bike the BMW 1100GS. Jeff had kindly made payment to the previous owner and had stored the bike for a couple of days while awaiting my arrival Friday night.
With a quick look on Friday night to see that the bike did in fact exist it was back upstarts for a bit of a chat and some much needed sleep as it was midnight by this stage and the plan was to get up early and start heading for home on the first long distance ride I had ever been on with a bike.

Thankfully Saturday morning dawned clear and sunny for my 6.30am off. The ride itself was uneventful and I didn't come across a single idiot on the road of my 1000 km ride until I was within a 100 km of home and the idiots were manageable.

I originally planned on stopping somewhere and camping for the night as I didn't think I would be up to a ride right through in one go ( I had my sleeping bag, mattress and pillow with me), I was wrong.

The BMW is truly a joy to ride and is very comfortable while remaining quite responsive and firm on the road which inspires confidence.
I road straight through to Brisbane in ten and a half hours and not feeling too bad, a sore butt which is too be expected on any trip of that duration in any type of vehicle.
Sydney - about to leave for Brisbane.

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